Friday, February 13, 2009

20 weeks and kicking

Wow, how time flys! I can't believe that I am already at 20 1/2 weeks. Everything is going great and we are so very thankful. I have been able to feel the baby moving and kicking for a week now. Bj has also been able to enjoy feeling her move a little. It is such an amazing feeling and it was something that I had really been looking forward to. Along with us being able to feel her moving, my belly has really grown in the past week or so! We go back to the doctor in about a week and as usual I am ready. Although I have to admit that I am not near as anxious as I usually am...which is major progress for me. But please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we still have a long way to go.

In case anyone is wondering we have not made the final decision on a name yet but are really leaning toward Margaret (Maggie) Katherine Bowling (even if most of my family doesn't like it)!

1 comment:

  1. Belly has definitely grown since week 18! And I think Margaret Elizabeth is beautiful...
