Saturday, March 7, 2009

23 weeks & I just keep growing!

As you can tell I am growing away (I guess that means Molly is too)! I have been feeling her kicking more and more everyday. I love it! Everything is still going great! This pregnancy has really been a blessing and we are so excited about our growing family. We go back to the doctor on Monday so check back and hopefully we will have new ultrasound pictures.

So, I had to fire the place I normally get things momogrammed. Really it is not as much the mistake you see above but because they have moved and it is now really out of my way. I took a couple of onesies and burp clothes to get monogrammed and as you can see they got the burp clothes right and the onesies wrong. I was so disappointed because they were so cute. Oh well! I am planning on going to see the Lamm in a few weeks and will take her new onesies (plus a few other things) to monogram correctly!


  1. YAY! You look so cute, and the belly is definitely growing, but not much else. :) BTW, I think it's onesies! hehe! No really. :) I can't wait for you to some see us. Just sad BeeBee isn't going to make it once again. ;( I wonder if I can fit any more smilies in??? :) Ha!

  2. I LOVE THAT BELLY!!!!!! Oh Jayma, its so very cute! I can't wait to meet sweet little Molly...I hope you are feeling better. Have a good week, and keep the PRECIOUS pictures comin!!!
