Thursday, January 29, 2009

18 week ultrasound & a nice suprise!

We have a very healthly baby GIRL!!!! And had a great doctor's appointment today. We got to enjoy seeing our baby moving all around while they looked closely at each sweet little body part. The ultrasound tech was wonderful in taking the time to explain to us what everything was. She weighs 9 oz and is measuring right on track. My cervix still looks great. We are thrilled that the baby is healthy and is a little girl. Now we must decide on a name. We are pretty sure that the middle name is going to be Elizabeth but are not set on a first name yet. We have plenty of time to figure it all out. I can't wait to start feeling her move! The doctor said it should be any day now. The picture of me is from today before we went to the doctor. And all the other pictures are the baby of course. We never really got a great profile shot because she always either had her arm or hand in front of her face. I love the picture of her legs!


  1. You look so adorable!

  2. I am mrs. anonymous! lol

  3. AWWWW You look SO CUTE!!! Baby Girl Bowling is pretty adorable too! I love the foot picture!
