Monday, February 23, 2009


Our Check-up was great today! Molly seems to be very healthy and developing perfect. Her heartbeat was around 158. I am also doing great. I actually had the best cervical length today that I have had since the cerclage. We love getting to see her during the ultrasounds! She seems to be a little more cramped than she has in past weeks because today her legs were up around her head. I go back again in 2 weeks.
Sweet profile!

In this picture it looks like she is sleeping with her hands folded on the side of her sweet!
And this picture is just to confirm that she is definitely a girl.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Molly Katherine

We have finally decided on a name! Bj and I really have not had a problem disagreeing on a name just actually picking one out (I have had more of the problem than him). I had wanted her to have a classic name but maybe one that was not popular. We both had really liked Margaret and we would call her Maggie but I have a little bit of an issue with her not going by her actual name. I am not sure why it was an issue for me but I do know that my entire life I have had to correct people on how my name is said and gets old after a while. At one point we had talked about Molly and I am not sure why we ever strayed away but Sunday night we were talking and I remembered Molly. And so we thought about it for a few days and have decided that we will name her Molly Katherine Bowling. We love the name and I know that we will not meet her until the end of June but the name seems to already fit!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A little retail therapy...

So, I have had a little retail therapy for a little nervous energy! It has all been in good fun for Miss Maggie's nursery (no we have not made the final decision on a name yet but that is what we have been calling her). In the past few weeks I have been cleaning out the guest room (which will be Maggie's room) and have made good progress. There is very little left in there that is not going to stay which is great since that room seemed to be a catch all before. Once the room was clean I decided it was time to think about decorating! And so it all got a jump start when I found a cottontail fabric that I just love and has continued from there. I had wanted to do the cottontail fabric for the all the bedding but decided that it was too expensive. So one day this week I found a solid pink bumper, bed skirt, sheet and coverlet at a really good price so I bought it thinking I could use the cottontail fabric as a accent fabric in the room. Then yesterday at lunch I decided to stop in a fabric store around the corner from work to see what they had. Well, they had the cottontail fabric but in a different color way. I went ahead a bought a few yards thinking it would work especially for the price. Well, I got it home and compared it to the other and I am now regretting not waiting. The fabric I bought is a lot more cream and has brighter colors which may end up working okay.

Thanks to Lyndy and Christian I am already pretty well stocked on most things. Lyndy is giving us Emma's baby bed, changing table, bassinet, swing, highchair, car seat, pack-n-play, lots of clothes, bottles, blankets and monitors! Christian has given us at least 3 years worth of clothes! We are so thankful for everything.

Here are the some pictures...

So this is the fabric that I originally fell in love with.

This is the fabric that I have purchased.

The bedding

Baby Book...I found this book and just fell in love it with it. You would think finding a baby book would be easy but it is not. I guess because so many people scrapbook that that is what most people use but I am too messy for scrapbooks!

Friday, February 13, 2009

20 weeks and kicking

Wow, how time flys! I can't believe that I am already at 20 1/2 weeks. Everything is going great and we are so very thankful. I have been able to feel the baby moving and kicking for a week now. Bj has also been able to enjoy feeling her move a little. It is such an amazing feeling and it was something that I had really been looking forward to. Along with us being able to feel her moving, my belly has really grown in the past week or so! We go back to the doctor in about a week and as usual I am ready. Although I have to admit that I am not near as anxious as I usually am...which is major progress for me. But please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we still have a long way to go.

In case anyone is wondering we have not made the final decision on a name yet but are really leaning toward Margaret (Maggie) Katherine Bowling (even if most of my family doesn't like it)!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Why is it so hard to pick a name?

29th Birthday and 18.5 weeks pregnant

Since we thought we were having a boy, I hadn't really thought of any girls names. Now I am ready for this little girl growing away in my belly to finally have a name. Here is what we like so far
Kate Elizabeth Bowling
Margaret ( Maggie) Elizabeth Bowling
Margaret (Maggie) Katherine Bowling (Maggie Kate ?)
My favorite so far and Bj seems to agree is Margaret Katherine! We are going to give it a few more days just to make sure. But like I said I am ready for this baby to have a name!